I had to say goodbye to my garden in August to move away for a new job! So sad! Luckily, my next door neighbors said they would care for the plot until the end of the season (all that produce I couldn't harvest myself), and even if I couldn't be there, I know the crops were well loved in my absence.
Since I won't have my own garden for the foreseeable future, I've decided to restart my old blog Big City Small Town, which deals mostly with community planning and sustainability issues- including local and urban agriculture. Southwestern Connecticut, where I now live, is shockingly poor as far as local agriculture goes. Downtown Stamford, a city of 117,000, and a daytime (working population) of 130,000+, doesn't even have a proper farmer's market. We suffer from our proximity to NYC- all the good farmers take their produce where they can get the most customers, and that means they go to the City.
I've really enjoyed being a part of the NJ garden community, and I'll continue to follow your gardens vicariously through your blogs.