Thinking of next year's garden (wherever it may be):

I would plant my onions and garlic with closer spacing.

I would interplant lettuce with a taller vegetable, to shade it from the summer sun and prevent bolting.
I would plant less early-spring lettuce and more early-spring spinach.

I would find out where I can get more seeds of this swiss chard and plant more of it.
I would start my tomato and pepper seeds a month earlier. Look at the difference between the store-bought transplants and mine!

I would start my kale seeds earlier. It is just now ready for some harvest. (indoor sowed this year 2/8 and outdoor sowed 3/12)

I would sow my peas a few weeks later (this year, sowed 3/6 and had to replant a month later). Yesterday I ate two peas.
You can also try using some screening cloth, or some old screens to "shade"
the lettuce. I would lean them on stakes. Good luck.
I don't know what your particular variety of swiss chard is. A nice heirloom variety is called 'Bright Lights' or '5-color Silverbeet', and is a mixture of different colors. Most chard tastes pretty similar, but one of the things that can be nice about it is the variety of colors.
Good luck with your garden, it looks great!
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