Saturday, April 5, 2008

Using Plastic Bottles in the Garden

I've mentioned the usefulness of plastic bottle-cloches before. Another neat & cheap trick for a used plastic bottle is as a sprinkling watering can. I looked at Home Depot for a watering can that I could use on delicate plants such as my new seedlings. No luck. So after finishing off a quart of Gatorade I realized that I was holding my new, free watering can. Here's how to do it (it's easy).

1) get a medium sized durable plastic bottle with wide mouthed plastic lid.

2) punch holes in the cap( I used a hammer & nail to do it).

3) fill the bottle, put on the cap and squeeze.

To make plastic bottle-cloches, first you need someone's empty water jugs(stolen from the recycle bin). Cut the jug around the middle, just beneath the handle. Use a utility knife, and be careful.

To vent the half that doesn't have an opening, cut X's into the plastic, then cut little triangles out of the X's. It's easier to cut holes this way because you're cutting straight lines instead of circles.

What I like most is that these garden supplies are free, and they don't create additional waste when you're done with them. They can go back in the recycling bin.

You can use lots of different containers for cloches.

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